Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Cost of monitoring savings with OMEGAMON IMS IF3

As a follow on to my prior posting on the new feature/function of OMEGAMON IMS Iinterim Feature 3 (IF3) it is worth pointing out that there are some very positive performance savings when running IF3.  For example the following measurements have been noted:
  • CPU usage of IF3 Classic has been reduced by at least 23% when running ATF and a Trace. 
  • CPU usage of the IMS Dependant Regions has been reduced by at least 8% when running ATF and a trace.
  • CPU usage of the IMS Control Region, and it’s associated asids (DLI, DBRC, CQS, etc…) has been reduced by at least 8% when running ATF and a Trace.
 If you want more detail on these measurements, check out this blog entry:

These are some very compelling performance numbers, and show the value of going to the IF3 level of OMEGAMON IMS.

Thanks to Reggie Hubbard, Rocky McMahan, and Robyn Stillwell for this information.

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