Friday, January 4, 2013

Some upcoming webcasts of interest

Well, it's a new year, and thank you all very much for frequenting this blog.

There are some interesting webcasts events coming up.  One of them is "DB2 10 and Beyond - Celebrating 30 years of Superior Technology".  The amazing thing to me is it's been 30 years now for DB2.  I started working on DB2 in the mid-80's (the V2.1 days).  So I guess I've dated myself with that admission.  Time certainly does fly when you are having so much fun.

The speaker is Jeff Josten, IBM DB2 Chief Architect, and he will cover the latest on DB2 10 customer experiences around new features functions, including IDAA (IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator) and the latest news on DB2 synergy with zEC12.

The event is January 29, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. ET.  Here's a link if you are interested in attending:

Another topic of interest is "Save money from enhanced analytics with Tivoli support for zEnterprise zAware".  The whole topic of analytics is an interesting one.  I suspect you will be seeing a lot of activity in this area in the industry in 2013. 

With the announcement of zEnterprise EC12, IBM also announced a new analytics capability called zAware, which allows data center specialists to gain visibility into system behavior to improve availability through faster problem determination.  This webcasts will discuss how to take advantage of zAware with the current Tivoli NetView product and how Tivoli monitoring of zAware will improve zEnterprise availability with decreased costs and risks.

Sounds like an interesting topic.  The presenter will be Paul Smith (aka Smitty), Tivoli System z Architect.
If you are interested in attending, here's a link:

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