Thursday, December 22, 2011

AOTC is now part of Pulse

For those with a z/OS focus who also want to get more up to speed with Tivoli, it's good news that AOTC is now part of the Tivoli Pulse conference.  AOTC, Automated Operations Technical Conference, has been an annual event that covers Tivoli with a focus on operational solutions, such as Systems Automation and Tivoli Workload Scheduling.  For those of you not familiar with Pulse, Pulse is the IBM's annual event with a focus on Tivoli solutions.

To be honest, in prior years Pulse has not had a lot of z/OS specific content.  Pulse has been more focused on overall Tivoli concepts, and not so much on z/OS.  With the addition of AOTC content to Pulse as a parallel track, the overall Pulse event has much more robust z/OS coverage.  If you you are interested in both z/OS and Tivoli overall, I suggest that Pulse becomes more of an option.

Pulse is in Las Vegas March 4-7, 2012.  If you are interested in Pulse, here is a link:

For more information on AOTC, here's a link:

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