Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Seminar on IT optimization

If you happen to be in the Seattle area on August 23rd you may be interested in this seminar on "Optimizing Your IT Infrastructure". The event is intended for Operations managers, infrastructure architects and system programmers.

Here's the agenda

Continental breakfast will be available at 8:30 a.m.
08:40 a.m. - z/OS Version 1 Release 12 and more
09:50 a.m. - Technology update - zEnterprise servers and storage
11:00 a.m. - Consolidation and virtualization update with Linux and z/VM on System z
12:00 p.m. - Lunch
01:00 p.m. - Integrated service management can improve overall visibility into your zEnterprise using OMEGAMON XE for z/OS
02:10 p.m. - Increase availability and productivity in your System z environment with integrated service management automation
03:20 p.m. - Moving to cloud? Integrated service management on System z will be a critical success factor
04:20 p.m. - Close and next steps

It's a full day with some good stuff. It's a free event (so the price is right). If you are interested, here's a link to sign up:


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the info. It sounds pretty user friendly. I guess I’ll pick one up for fun. thank u System Optimization


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