Friday, February 22, 2013

How region occupancy is calculated by OMEGAMON IMS

Region occupancy in OMEGAMON IMS is a useful measure of how busy the various message regions are in an IMS subsytsem.  The higher the percentage, the busier the message regions are.  Region occupancy can be a good indication as to when it may be time to adjust IMS message regions or add new regions.

Region occupancy is calculated by OMEGAMON IMS as part of the various region displays (for example as a minor of the RGND command in classic interface).  However, it takes some time to be able to calculate region occupancy.  Until the monitor has had enough samples to do the math, the display will just show -init-  versus an actual value. 

What is the formula?  How exactly is it calculated?  This technote will shed a little more light on the process.  Here's a link:

1 comment:

  1. What is the formula? How exactly is it calculated? This technote will shed a little more light on the process

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