Thursday, September 13, 2012

OMEGAMON IMS V5.1 adds support for the enhanced 3270 user interface

With the release of OMEGAMON IMS V5.1, we now have another OMEGAMON in the suite that has support for the enhanced 3270 user interface.  The big benefits of the enhanced 3270 user are consistency and integration.  With the enhanced user interface you can logon to one UI and access any of the OMEGAMONs from a central point.

Here's an example of what the OMEGAMON IMS emhanced user interface looks like. 

Just like the DB2 monitor, you get a default panel that can show both IMSplex level information, and the individual IMS subsystems.  You can use the "/" navigation to drill in for detail, in the similar manner to how the other OMEGAMONs operate.

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