Thursday, May 6, 2010

More on DASD monitoring with OMEGAMON z/OS

In earlier posts I've talked about the cost of DASD monitoring, and the notion of the more data you ask for, the more it will potentially cost. This concept can apply, as well, when using the OMEGAMON z/OS CUA and Classic interfaces when monitoring DASD.

It's not unusual for large shops to have thousands of DASD devices connected in their environment. What that means is if you do a lot of ongoing monitoring of these thousands of devices, there is the potential for more OMEGAMON cycle usage to gather and display all this data.

One way to reduce this concern is to take advantage of filter options when displaying DASD devices. Do you really need to see every device, or just ones that meet certain criteria, such as high MSR (milli-second response) times, or high I/O rates? Some basic benchmark testing I've done on IBM systems, have shown measurable OMEGAMON CPU savings by using filter options to reduce the amount of data a devices displayed. This is especially true if you, like many users, like to display DASD devices and watch them in auto-update mode.

The example I show here is an example of using the filter options of the CUA interface to focus on the DASD devices of most interest. You can do a similar technique in the Classic 3270 interface.

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