Tuesday, August 26, 2014

V5.30 Integrates history and real time into a consolidated interface

As I mentioned in an earlier post, OMEGAMON V5.30 integrates historical data very seamlessly into the real time monitoring interface.  The ability to show history detail within the e3270ui is one of the key deliverables of V5.30.

The following is an example.  Here you see detailed history information for z/OS CPC level history.  Note now the appearance at the bottom of the display of push buttons to navigate back and forth through the history data.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Share conference last week

The Share conference took place last week in Pittsburgh.  The focus at Share was on many topics including Cloud, Analytics, and the latest on z/OS 2.1.

There were several sessions on OMEGAMON and OMEGAMON related topics at Share.  Here's a list with links for the material:

 Learn the Latest Problem Solving Solutions for z/OS and Storage Subsystems with OMEGAMON

 Learn the Latest Problem Solving Solutions for CICS and MQ with OMEGAMON

 OMEGAMON XE for Storage - VSAM RLS and z/OS copy Services Monitoring

If you are interested in V5.3 I suggest you check out the first two links.